E-Newsletter Keys to Success

By Xynergy

17 Jun, 2013

E-Newsletters are the most valuable low-budget method for generating new sales. In order to do this, your E-Newsletter has to be entertaining and contain valuable content. Here are new ideas that are sure to help you grab your customers” attention:


Social Media – Use the social media following you have generated on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to gauge the type of content users respond to. Which updates and shares get likes, comments, tweets, and pins? What type of content are you providing in your most successful social media posts? You can even directly ask users what they want to see in their E-blasts. You must also consider how this choice content will translate to an email.


Promotion – The primary reason people sign up to email lists is to get access to special promotions. In order to keep your customers interested, it is important to have an exclusive sale or discount every so often.


Customer Service – Find out from your employees what customers like, what they complain about, what suggestions they have for your service, and these employees think is the best method for reaching customers.


Embrace your Niche – Get involved in your customer niche: join and participate in online forums, networks, and organizations. Being active does not mean obnoxiously touting your product. Become involved by contributing to discussions and asking questions. Look for common problems, common questions, and expert concerns. This way your brand can get the most information about customers and competitors without being pushy or one-dimensional. Use your emails to address the concerns, questions, or interests of customers.


Look at Examples – What emails do you respond best to? Look the businesses you follow or admire and see how they handle emails and their integration with Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter.


Neely, Pam. “Email Experience” Website Magazine. Jul. 2013: 32. Print.

Categories: Email Marketing & List Building

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