Digital Marketing & Web Design

Facebook Live Brings Big Results for Santa Fe Gallery Owner

06 Sep 2017

Albuquerque/Santa Fe, N.M. Santa Fe’s Adobe Gallery had a big event planned. But how to bring the world to their tiny space? They turned to Xynergy®, New Mexico’s premier website and online marketing company. Xynergy suggested the new Livestream Mevo camera.


“The playing field has changed, and we needed to take advantage of technology. The Mevo was exactly what we needed to give our marketing a shot in the arm. To have this camera looking into the show, to zoom in on faces and artists sharing and talking at the event, that was important and educational and helpful to sell our pottery,” says Todd Anthony who coordinates marketing for the gallery. “We’d never sold anything during any special exhibit before, but this time we sold three pieces. Because of the camera.”


            The Livestream Mevo camera’s 4K-resolution image sensor can digitally pan and zoom in and out, meaning everything from wide shots to close-ups can be captured at 720p HD resolution, either automatically or manually. The 2.5-inch tall camera is controlled via an app for iPhone, and records up to four hours of video to its microSD card. More importantly for Adobe Gallery, the Mevo can live-stream to Facebook Live and other sites for both real-time and future viewing.


“Basically, with nothing more than your iPhone and the modestly priced Mevo (ca. $399.00), you can set up a live shoot with the look of multiple cameras,” says Jennifer Martin, Xynergy President & CEO. “With the Mevo, Adobe Gallery was able to attract thousands of viewers who could not be in their physical location, increasing their reach and engagement. The video is still being viewed on their Facebook page and website a month later, drawing additional traffic and sales.”


            Anthony says that they have used the camera since the first time in early August for an artist Q&A event. The Mevo camera allowed the gallery to stream the event live on its Facebook page, attracting real-time viewers who could post questions for the artist to answer.


            “Presenting it in real time brings excitement to this 2000-year-old medium of pottery. We’ve brought excitement to it through this camera and live video, and will continue to do it in the future,” he says.


About Adobe Gallery

            Adobe Gallery opened in 1978. From its historic Canyon Road location in Santa Fe, Adobe Gallery specializes in contemporary and antique Southwest Indian pueblo pottery and fine art, Hopi Kachina/Katsina dolls, old silver and turquoise jewelry, baskets, Mission oak furniture, and other fine art. Adobe Gallery’s comprehensive book section includes a large Southwest Indian Pueblo arts and crafts selection. Visit


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