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DIGITAL AGILITY BLOG TOPIC: Email Marketing & List Building
5 Ways to Grow Your Email List by 25% - Fast
Email marketing is one of the best ways to drive sales - it outperforms practically any other online channel.
E-Newsletter Keys to Success
In order to increase success rates, your E-Newsletter has to be entertaining and contain valuable content. Here are new ideas that are sure to help you grab your customers” attention.
Email Marketing: 5 things We’ve Learned
Email Marketing: 5 things We’ve Learned We have over twenty-five clients using our mass e-mail system. We created templates custom for roughly half of them. We have also written e-mail content for most of our clients at…
E-Newsletters: To E-Blast or Not To E-Blast
You know all those newsletters that clog up your email's inbox? You know, the ones that always look the same, but with new content that you only care about some of the time. Have you ever…
7 Constructive Search Engine Optimization Ways To Use Pinterest
1. Connect with relevant users. Comment on posts, cc users with @mentions, repin original content, or “like” pins when it’s not appropriate to repin. Engage with other users as you would on any other social media site.
2. Use…
Social Media Case Study: Jenna Marbles
After the seeing success of our last social media case study, we've decided to follow up with a second study that examines a woman who has used youtube to become a household name. Jenna Mourey (Jenna…
Mobile Reports Now In Facebook Insights!
Mobile referrals and demographics are now available on Facebook! For well over a year, business owners kept hearing that up to 50% of Facebook's traffic is driven by mobile devices. However, their wasn't any way to know…