New Update for WebMaster Tools! Hooray!

New Update for WebMaster Tools! Hooray!

Yesterday, Google expanded the historical search query data to 90 days. Additionally, the number of queries reported has increased, The report will now list the top 2,000 for each day of the selected date range (vs. the previous top 1,000). If you use Google webmaster tools query data, see below for all the details of how these reports work.

Top Search Queries Report

The top search queries report lists the top queries that brought traffic to your site from Google organic search (from all countries and properties).

Summary Data

For the selected data range, the report shows the total number of queries that brought traffic to the site, the total impressions and clicks the site received, and the number of impressions and clicks for the reported top queries. Query-Specific Data. For each query, the report notes: • Number of impressions - how many searchers saw the site in search results for that query • Number of clicks - how many searchers clicked on the search result for that query • Click through rate - the percentage of the time searchers who saw the site in search results for that query clicked on it • Average position - the average position the highest ranked URL for that site appeared in search results for the query across all searchers WebMaster tools is a great tool for businesses and this update makes it an even better tool. Enjoy the additional data!

Digital Media & Content, Search Engine Optimization - SEO