It’s called vibe and it is still very small but the concept is an intriguing one. It is free, anonymous, and reliant on GPS. You can send out messages to a radius of your choice, be it your apartment building, your neighborhood, or your city. With only 12,000 users Vibe is by no means a social media giant. It has gained most of those users, however, in the past few weeks. The service has gained traction with the savvy occupy Wall Street movement because it allows people to organize with those in the immediate vicinity. The New York Times has even written a blog post about the service Vibe excites me due to the service’s hyper-local nature. Where as connecting with locals on twitter is difficult and relies on user-supplied information, vibe utilizes the GPS features of smart phone to connect with those who are certainly in physical proximity. Vibe could become a sort of truly local online bulletin board with endless uses for individuals, organizations, and Brands.
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