Mobile referrals and demographics are now available on Facebook! For well over a year, business owners kept hearing that up to 50% of Facebook's traffic is driven by mobile devices. However, their wasn't any way to know if this was true for their business and there wasn't any personalized stats to prove it this theory. One of the staggering facts in Facebook’s public filing last month was that 50% of their traffic is driven by mobile devices. That’s about 5x more than the average website. Earlier this month, Facebook updated Insights reporting to occur in real-time and new in-depth mobile reporting will continue to grow the reporting service. For full mobile data click on the “Mobile” link under the Traffic tab. Not only can mobile now be tracked, but it can be tracked in-depth. The mobile source reporting includes the following data points: • Feed referrals • Timeline referrals • Notification referrals • Bookmark referrals • Search referrals • Unknown referrals Demographic information includes age ranges, language and gender (along with percentages of each.) For more information, click on the “Mobile” tab in your Facebook Insights page, or head over to the Facebook Developers blog.
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