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3 Red Flags that Send Clients Running
There there are problems in every relationship, and if you know the warning signs, you can look for other alternatives before the going gets rough.
It’s All About Strategery When it Comes to Online Marketing
Show up, Stand Out, Say Hello.
Online Reputation Management (ORM) | Part Two: Responding to Reviews
According to a recent survey done by research firm, Dimensional Research, “90% of consumers say online reviews impact buying decisions.” So, if you’re operating under the notion that online reviews don’t matter, you’re wrong.
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The digital era in which we live is…
Online Reputation Management (ORM) | Part One ORM, Defined
Just a few years ago, communication on the Internet was one-way. Businesses would communicate with their customers as if holding a megaphone. This top-down communication made the megaphone holder the ultimate authority. Sure, consumers had…
E-Commerce is not E-Commerce is not E-Commerce
So much has been written about E-Commerce. Unfortunately the term is so broad that it is almost meaningless. It can span from something as huge as Amazon.com's worldwide order fulfillment process to a blog site selling an…
6 Goals for Your Mobile Site
With the rise of popularity of mobile devices it is very important to have a user-optimized mobile website that meets several key goals.
Why You Need a Mobile Site
It's 2013 and technology is developing faster than time is flying. You now have the ability to monitor your bank account, receive a credit card payment, and stream television and movies without a WiFi signal, from…
Why Content Marketing Sells
Analytics: If You Do Not Have Them You Are Crazy
Conversions are what pay the bills. You need to know who, what, when, where, and why users are converting. Traffic, Engagement and Brand awareness are useful and beneficial but at the end of the day conversions are the only thing that makes money.
3 Reasons to Create Seperate Brands and Websites
Lets say that you run a business that has several aspects to it. Perhaps you have a hotel with a separate restaurant or a casino with a spa and a golf course. You should develop…