Digital Marketing & Web Design


TOPIC: Search Engine Optimization - SEO

So many reasons you don’t want to have your website hacked…now , SEO is another.
Jennifer Frye

So many reasons you don’t want to have your website hacked…now , SEO is another.

Being hacked can negatively affect your SEO, most people don’t think about this or realize when it happens. But when it does...look out.

Are Keywords Falling to the Way-Side?

Are Keywords Falling to the Way-Side?

Topics and Theme-based SEO.  Learn about how keyword strategy is changing.

Online Reputation Management (ORM) | Part One ORM, Defined

Online Reputation Management (ORM) | Part One ORM, Defined

Just a few years ago, communication on the Internet was one-way. Businesses would communicate with their customers as if holding a megaphone. This top-down communication made the megaphone holder the ultimate authority. Sure, consumers had…

4 Important Changes Google Made in March

4 Important Changes Google Made in March

Google has released a list of 44 changes that it made to its search algorithm in the month of March. Unfortunately they were presented in a rather unfriendly blog post. Here are some of the…

SEO VS Social

SEO VS Social

There was a time that SEO and social were two entirely separate departments. During this time, a successful company had a social team and an SEO team and the two rarely mingled. At this time,…

Keyword Targeting in Adwords - Rolling out in a few weeks!

Keyword Targeting in Adwords - Rolling out in a few weeks!

Buying display campaigns through an interface will soon be a thing from the past. The new interface is built to run display campaigns and allow advertisers to bid, target, and optimize display campaigns in one…

Google+ and SEO

Google+ and SEO

The Google+ audience may not be as strong as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn but it’s almost mandatory to have a profile and be active. I think mandatory is the proper word due to Google showing more…

Facebook IPO: The Social Network

Facebook IPO: The Social Network

As the world watches the price of Facebook creep up and fall back to an even $38 dollars, many wonder how the world-famous IPO will change the social media giant. Surely, Mark Zuckerberg has a…

Advertising 101: The Marlboro Man

Advertising 101: The Marlboro Man

The secret to writing a timeless novel is the same secret behind advertising your small business. You have to get started. I'm not talking about putting a series of words in a specific place where people…

7 Constructive Search Engine Optimization Ways To Use Pinterest

7 Constructive Search Engine Optimization Ways To Use Pinterest

1. Connect with relevant users. Comment on posts, cc users with @mentions, repin original content, or “like” pins when it’s not appropriate to repin. Engage with other users as you would on any other social media site.

2. Use…

#RG12: Twitter at the French Open

#RG12: Twitter at the French Open

The French Open has never been a popular grand slam tournament for Americans. Most Americans learn to play tennis on the faster hard courts, and many Americans on the pro tour have trouble adjusting to…

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