Digital Marketing & Web Design


Are Keywords Falling to the Way-Side?

Are Keywords Falling to the Way-Side?

Topics and Theme-based SEO.  Learn about how keyword strategy is changing.

Responsive Doesn’t Mean Boring

Responsive Doesn’t Mean Boring

Responsive design is fun and interactive.  Learn how.

Why be boring?

WordPress is the Batman of the CMS World
Jennifer Frye

WordPress is the Batman of the CMS World

Who is Batman?  What is WordPress?  Why does it matter?

Online Reputation Management (ORM) | Part Two: Responding to Reviews

Online Reputation Management (ORM) | Part Two: Responding to Reviews

According to a recent survey done by research firm, Dimensional Research, “90% of consumers say online reviews impact buying decisions.” So, if you’re operating under the notion that online reviews don’t matter, you’re wrong.


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The digital era in which we live is…

Online Reputation Management (ORM) | Part One ORM, Defined

Online Reputation Management (ORM) | Part One ORM, Defined

Just a few years ago, communication on the Internet was one-way. Businesses would communicate with their customers as if holding a megaphone. This top-down communication made the megaphone holder the ultimate authority. Sure, consumers had…

The Story of the Fold

The Story of the Fold

There is another way to capture and hold the attention of an audience without cramming things above the once-famous-fold. 

HTML5 Vs. Flash: 7 Facts

HTML5 Vs. Flash: 7 Facts

Is HTML5 on the fast track to completely replacing Adobe Flash?

Responsive Theming for Website Mobility - A Must Have in Today’s Mobile World

Responsive Theming for Website Mobility - A Must Have in Today’s Mobile World

Have you ever looked at a website on your phone and just given up after trying to click on miniscule links or resizing the text of every page to actually be able to read something?…

E-Commerce is not E-Commerce is not E-Commerce

E-Commerce is not E-Commerce is not E-Commerce

So much has been written about E-Commerce. Unfortunately the term is so broad that it is almost meaningless. It can span from something as huge as's worldwide order fulfillment process to a blog site selling an…

Customers Fed up with Logging Into Websites

Customers Fed up with Logging Into Websites

We know that through Google Analytics business owners can view metrics such as page views, past purchases, bounce rate, etc. However, these metrics only provide so much information.

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