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Total results: 103.

The Real Motivation behind Facebook’s Gifts

Social media is enormously popular all around the world. The companies behind these free social sharing sites are beginning to find new ways to monetize their popularity. Social media giants have invaded everyday life and social networks have become sources of information and commentary on live events. Social media has had its place in this year’s biggest news events - whether it be a celebrity tweet or a heartfelt post about the Sandy Hook shooting - social media can control how we respond to current events.

What is Gifts?

People are constantly connected to technology and in 2012 shopping sites began to build…

Google+ and SEO

Google+ and SEO

The Google+ audience may not be as strong as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn but it’s almost mandatory to have a profile and be active. I think mandatory is the proper word due to Google showing more Google+ content in its organic and Adwords search results. It’s still early to completely understand the potential search/SEO benefits but some new Google+ news last week makes it a little more clear on Why we need to recommend that our clients sign up for it now: • Fresh content is important: Google+ profiles with no posts within the last 72 hours don’t show up in the “Related…

Tweet It Maybe: A Social Media Case Study of Carly Rae Jepsen

In 2009, it was "I Gotta Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas. In 2010, it was "California Gurls" by Katy Perry. Then, in 2011, it was Pitbull with "Give Me Everything." What do these songs have in common? They were all the #1 hit of the summer in American pop culture. This year's #1 hit, however, was not from an artist we all knew. In fact, at the end of last summer, this artist was still a complete unknown. By now, you know I'm talking about Carly Rae Jepsen and her summer smash: "Call Me Maybe."

For decades, the #1 song of the summer has come from a major artist being…

How To Avoid Self-Destruction Through Social Media Marketing

In today's constantly evolving market, even the smallest of businesses are being drawn to online marketing strategies that incorporate everything from SEO to PPC, and they certainly include the ever so intriguing social media platforms. Most small business owners are very well aware that, in order to stay afloat, they need to exhaust all of their possible resources; however, most of said owners have no clue how to navigate through the dynamics of the marketing world's digital realm. One might be tempted to just go hire a guy out of college who has been tweeting his uneventful life for four years, or one…

How Local Businesses are using Gamification to their Advantage

9 Nov, 2012 Xynergy Social Media Engagement

Foursquare is an app that recognizes where you are in the world. It then shows you everything interesting nearby on a color-coded map – your friends, places that are trending (in yellow), places on your favorites lists (green), places with Specials (orange), and places that are popular (blue). All the interesting places update automatically. Foursquare gamifies the shopping experience. When users patronize a business they earn points and provide their demographic information. Businesses can choose to reward points with special promotions, or not. The Advertiser can then use that demographic data to track trends over time including gender, age, origin, and…

The Social Media Olympics: Twitter 2012

5 Nov, 2012 Xynergy Social Media Engagement

Before the start of the 2012 summer games, the London Olympics had also been deemed the first "Social Media Olympics," and for good reason. Fans have never had such easy access to the competitors, and to the results of every single event. Twelve years ago, all we had was Bob Costas in a tacky room on a circular chair interviewing an athlete we've all never heard of; however, today we know much more about every event, and a mysterious athlete's entire life story can be found with a simple google search on a mobile phone. These games are clearly different.

Outside of NBC in America,…

Facebook IPO: The Social Network

As the world watches the price of Facebook creep up and fall back to an even $38 dollars, many wonder how the world-famous IPO will change the social media giant. Surely, Mark Zuckerberg has a few tricks up his sleeves, but will the new owners of facebook demand to see them? Could Facebook find themselves forcing out ideas that aren't quite ready to be implemented? Finally, could Facebook really take off the same way google did, back in 2004? "Probably not" is the answer to most questions, but it's certainly far too early to tell. Zuckerberg probably does have a few ideas stirring,…

Experts Recommend Using Social Media to Find Jobs

12 Oct, 2012 Xynergy Social Media Engagement

There are many ways that job recruiters use social media to judge an applicant and several key strategies for promoting yourself in the business world. Hiring managers search applicant’s names on Google and hope to find them easily. Employers can also view your Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn profiles to gauge your social credibility (who you know) and get an idea of your interests and personality. If you are difficult to find or send the wrong message, this can hurt your chances of securing a position. You want to keep your social media profiles up to date and make regular posts. On…

Email Marketing: 5 things We’ve Learned

Email Marketing: 5 things We’ve Learned We have over twenty-five clients using our mass e-mail system. We created templates custom for roughly half of them. We have also written e-mail content for most of our clients at one point or another. After a decade of e-mail marketing we have come up with a short list of guidelines.

1 – Do Not Spam Your List. If you send too many e-mails people will stop paying attention. Your e-mails will become background noise or worse; people may unsubscribe to stem the tide of your over-zealous mass emails. Pay special attention to your subject lines.…

Website Usability and Fixed Navigation

This may sound like a foreign language to some, but our design and development departments have quite an affinity for website usability and fixed navigation – also known as sticky menus. Sticky Menus Are Quicker To Navigate is a recent article on Smashing Magazine that helps to explain why they are beneficial to a site’s navigation; and, therefore, its user experience and the overall success of the website.

First off, let’s clarify what we mean by sticky menus. “Sticky, or fixed, navigation is basically a website menu that is locked into place so that it does not disappear when the user scrolls down the page; in…

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