Digital Marketing & Web Design

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Total results: 103.

3 Types of Negative SEO to Avoid in 2017

3 Types of Negative SEO to Avoid in 2017

The threat of negative SEO is daunting, but very real. Any competitor of yours could utilize negative SEO to hurt your SEO rankings and improve their chances at beating you for a top slot in Google. 

What is Negative SEO?

Negative SEO is a set of activities (often performed by a site's competitors) aimed at lowering a website's rankings in search results by performing activities that Google openly frows upon or doesnt allow. Typically these activities are conducted off-page (like building unnatural links to the site or scraping and reposting its content - which Google sees as spammy); but in some cases, "they may also involve hacking the site and modifying…

Fake SEO plugin infects 4,000 Wordpress Sites

Fake SEO plugin infects 4,000 Wordpress Sites


Over 4,000 Wordpress sites have been infected with dangerous malware that disguises itself as an SEO plugin to attract unsuspecting webmasters. This isn’t the first time Wordpress has has this issue, though…Wordpress is a frequent target for hackers.

Why do hackers target WordPress specifically?

Well, Because it’s so popular. If you want to hack into a ton of websites for your own nefarious purposes, are you going to spend a ton of time trying to find vulnerabilities on a more unique platform used by 500 websites, or are you going to try to break the platform that has hundreds of millions of sites? Exactly. So because…

Why You Should Be Converting From HTTP to HTTPS

Why You Should Be Converting From HTTP to HTTPS

If you have ever typed in a URL, you may have noticed those letters that spontaneously appear in front of the www that you pounded out on cruise control. Did you ever ask yourself what they mean?  Well, those acronyms can have a major impact on the safety and performance of your website and, based on recent studies, can drastically impact your business. 

HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and it simply allows for communication between two systems, such as a browser and a server.  HTTP does not consider the kind of data being shared nor who is viewing the data; it simply…

5 Ways to Grow Your Email List by 25% -  Fast

5 Ways to Grow Your Email List by 25% -  Fast

Email marketing is one of the best ways to drive sales - it outperforms practically any other online channel. Did you know that 58% of adults check their email first thing in the morning and that email is almost 40 times better at acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter? It’s true. But the biggest challenge most businesses face with email marketing is that they don’t have an email list (or database) big enough to really see the awesome benefits of email.

Fortunately, there's quite a bit that you can do to get new email subscribers and start building that list quickly. Here are a few…

Hiring a Professional Translator: Why Should I Bother?

Hiring a Professional Translator: Why Should I Bother?
Forgoing a professional translator comes at a high cost.

In this day and age of electronic capabilities, free online translation programs are readily available, and it may be tempting to forgo the expense of hiring a professional translator in favor of using these easy options. But before you opt to go it alone without professional help, you’ll want to consider how the limitations of electronic translation might affect your business.


Linguistic confusion

Electronic programs often render literal translations, which means that colloquial expressions or regional usage can become very confusing. Consider the French phrase “"Se taper le cul par terre," which means to laugh uproariously.…

Google Rank Brain: What it Means for SEO

Google Rank Brain: What it Means for SEO

Google is using a machine learning technology called RankBrain to help deliver its search results. Here’s what you need to know about it.

What is Google Rank Brain?

RankBrain is a machine-learning artificial intelligence system that helps Google process a portion of its search results, in particular rare, unique or one-of-a-kind queries. Google started using it in early 2015 and it is now used globally.

What is machine-learning?

Machine learning is where a computer teaches itself how to do something, rather than being taught by humans or by following detailed coding and programming.

Is RankBrain the new way Google ranks search results?

No. RankBrain is only a part…

He Who Hesitates: Business Owners and Their Reluctance to Embrace Social Media

He Who Hesitates: Business Owners and Their Reluctance to Embrace Social Media

I’m always surprised when I speak to business owners who claim to see little to no value in mounting a social media campaign to further their business interests. Despite the damage and the potential sales it could cost their companies, many business leaders seem to prefer to stay away from social media altogether.

Do these owners lack the technological savvy to launch social media campaigns?  Many of the companies that I speak to require highly technical training that is far beyond my own understanding, making them more than capable of understanding straightforward social media strategies or building a simple business profile.  So why are so…

Responsive Design V Adaptive Design

Responsive Design V Adaptive Design

By now, most everyone knows that when building a website, you must cater it to mobile users as well.

When mobile devices first became popular, one of the most common techniques for catering to this new medium was to have completely separate URL for mobile content, effectively separating the mobile site from the desktop site.  When a page was requested, the website detected what kind of user you were, based on information in your browser, and then redirected you to the appropriate version. (You may have noticed sites like this if you were ever redirected to a sub-domain like on a…

Torn Between WordPress and ExpressionEngine? How To Choose.

Torn Between WordPress and ExpressionEngine? How To Choose.

A robust CMS provides the foundation for collaboration, offering users the ability to manage documents and output for multiple author editing and participation.

WordPress and Expression Engine are the two most popular Content Management Systems (CMS) out there when it comes to building a website (or redoing an existing one). Our Xynergy team is expert at both.

More people have probably heard of WordPress—it started out as a blogging CMS, so it has had time to insinuate itself into the general consciousness as such. And as it grew in popularity, and more people used it, it soon adapted itself to users’ other wants and needs,…

Why hackers want to hack your site

Why hackers want to hack your site

“Why would anyone want to hack my site?” I have heard this exact phrase or a variation of it many times. Some of the smallest sites are the one's with the most hack attempts. I have seen some of these small sites get more than one thousand failed login attempts over the course of a week, and that might be a LIGHT week. Just because your site is small, or because your site isn’t selling anything, does NOT mean that hackers won’t care about your site.There are plenty of reasons they want in.

Stealing Information This is probably the most obvious one. Hackers want to break into your…

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