Digital Marketing & Web Design

Blog Search Results

Total results: 103.

The Story of the Fold

The Story of the Fold

You have heard about "The fold", but perhaps not about "life below the fold". There is another way to capture and hold the attention of an audience without cramming things above the once-famous-fold.When there was a fold, it had a height and a set of rules that governed its use. The fold struggled to maintain its height, because without defined height, there is no fold. Crammed with buttons, forms and blog posts, the fold soon suffered abuse. When the size of screens and resolutions multiplied, the fold became confused and now it is not likely to be used. Today, it's safe to say that there is no fold, and whether there is life below the fold…

HTML5 Vs. Flash: 7 Facts

HTML5 Vs. Flash: 7 Facts

Flash vs. HTML5: 7 Facts Is HTML5 on the fast track to completely replacing Adobe Flash? HTML5 is a new set of web standards that adds functionality to the web without causing problems for older browsers. HTML5 lets browsers display audio and video, use CSS3 to animate elements like images and text, reduce site load times, incorporate geolocation and a number of additional enhancements without additional plug-ins like Flash or QuickTime. These updates to HTML and CSS allow developers to build sites that are faster, more powerful, and display correctly on a wide range of devices. Here are 7…

Responsive Theming for Website Mobility - A Must Have in Today’s Mobile World

Responsive Theming for Website Mobility - A Must Have in Today’s Mobile World

Have you ever looked at a website on your phone and just given up after trying to click on miniscule links or resizing the text of every page to actually be able to read something? Or worse, is this the experience that your site users have waiting for them on their phones? That is a very likely scenario if you have not taken the time to ensure that your site has a responsive theme.

Responsive themes are just what they sound like. We call your website design a “theme,” so a responsive theme is one that responds and adjusts intelligently to the device on which it is…

E-Commerce is not E-Commerce is not E-Commerce

E-Commerce is not E-Commerce is not E-Commerce

So much has been written about E-Commerce. Unfortunately the term is so broad that it is almost meaningless. It can span from something as huge as's worldwide order fulfillment process to a blog site selling an ebook for downloading. When it comes to talking about your E-Commerce site, there are many aspects that deserve consideration.

One of the primary questions to be answered is,

“Will your website exist for the purpose of selling products, or will products be an ancillary concern?”

Many other decisions will stem from this basic choice. doesn't use the same software to run their business that a blog does. Makes sense,…

Customers Fed up with Logging Into Websites

Customers Fed up with Logging Into Websites

Interested in gathering more concrete data about your customers to engage with them more effectively? We know that through Google Analytics business owners can view metrics such as page views, past purchases, bounce rate, etc. However, these metrics only provide so much information about your potential customer base, and these techniques suffer from data loss through deleted cookies, access from multiple devices, and purchases as gifts.


The previous technique for supplementing data on your website’s visitors was to collect information through site registration and login forms. As you know from experience, having to recover a password or fill out long forms is extremely…

6 Goals for Your Mobile Site

6 Goals for Your Mobile Site

With the rise of popularity of mobile devices it is very important to have a user-optimized mobile website that meets several key goals.

Simple Design – Do not replicate your complex non-mobile website because the formatting will be incorrect when it appears on a smaller screen. Users have to use their fingers to click on links, zoom, and type so keep the website simple. Show only the Most Vital Information – Consumers who view a website on a mobile device are more likely to only be seeking directions, a service, or contact information than someone viewing the website on a desktop. Feature all of this…

E-Newsletter Keys to Success

17 Jun, 2013 Xynergy Email Marketing & List Building
E-Newsletter Keys to Success

E-Newsletters are the most valuable low-budget method for generating new sales. In order to do this, your E-Newsletter has to be entertaining and contain valuable content. Here are new ideas that are sure to help you grab your customers” attention:


Social Media – Use the social media following you have generated on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to gauge the type of content users respond to. Which updates and shares get likes, comments, tweets, and pins? What type of content are you providing in your most successful social media posts? You can even directly ask users what they want to see in their E-blasts. You…

Craft – the New CMS in Town

11 Jun, 2013 Xynergy Websites & Mobile Apps
Craft – the New CMS in Town

We write a lot about Content Management Systems (CMS) because they are a core part of the value provided to our clients. Few clients want to call or email their changes in to a developer to get their website updated. Most want to be able to control the content of their site independently without learning arcane markup languages. The ability to do that is the strength of a good CMS combined with thoughtful website design. For this reason, every website we build rests on the foundation of a CMS. Which CMS to choose, however, depends on the purpose of the…

Google+ Updates

Google announced several key upgrades to their Google Plus social network. Here are the new improvements you can look forward to:


Formatted Content - Users will now see columns of content based on the size of their device's screen. Stunning Media - Videos and photos have become more prominent with their enhancement to fit the entire width of the stream. Fancy Animations - Google+ has customized even further with new in stream animations: a bouncing sharebox, interactive cards, and sliding menus Automatic Hash Tags – Google+ will now add hash tags to posts to connect users with related topics. These hash tags can be removed at any…

How to Measure Social Media Success

28 May, 2013 Xynergy Social Media Engagement
How to Measure Social Media Success

Every business that has started a social media account to promote their business has wondered how this effort translates into profit. The truth is that no one really knows what a like, an interaction, or a view means for your business. If this is the case, which social media metrics are worth measuring? Mashable asked a collection of entrepreneurs what strategies they employ to gauge their social media success.  

Shane Snow - Contently Tracks: Reach, engagement, and influence. Reach gives an idea of who saw your content (page views and social impressions). Engagement measures who consumed your content (total minutes spent on…

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