Digital Marketing & Web Design

Blog Search Results

Total results: 103.

The One Page Website: Friend or Foe

The One Page Website: Friend or Foe

For years now it has been thought that having a single dynamic looking website would not go well with your SEO and ranking amongst Search Engines. We are here to tell you that is not the case, with more and more single page sites popping up every day the popular search engines have begun to crawl through the content like a multi paged website.  But we must insist that you build or have your single page website correctly or this won't be the case for you.

Building a single page website correctly can be beneficial to you and to your business, why you…

So many reasons you don’t want to have your website hacked…now , SEO is another.

So many reasons you don’t want to have your website hacked…now , SEO is another.

Often times, we will hear from clients that they are not worried about having their site hacked because there isn’t any credit card information collected. Hacking sites is no longer a concern for online stores only. It is a concern for EVERYONE with a website. There are many reasons why having your site hacked can be a nightmare. One of these reasons is being hacked can negatively affect your SEO, most people don’t think about this or realize when it happens. But when it does...look out. When your site is hacked a search engine can pick up on it just by crawling your site.…

3 Red Flags that Send Clients Running

3 Red Flags that Send Clients Running

Agencies and independent contractors are supposed to make life your life easier. The agent/client relationship is symbiotic. The client pays money, and the agency uses their expertise to advise the client or deliver a product.  In return, the client passes on the agency’s name, and the cycle begins again.

While that sounds great, there there are problems in every relationship, and if you know the warning signs, you can look for other alternatives before the going gets rough. Here are the three most common complaints we've heard about unsuccessful agent/client relationships.

1) My Agency Acts Like a Dictatorship

Over the years, we’ve heard horror stories about website administrators who refuse to give up control of a site or marketers who refuse to listen to client input.  We’ve…

ExpressionEngine is the Spawn of the CMS World

30 Sep, 2014 Jennifer Frye Websites & Mobile Apps, Expression Engine
ExpressionEngine is the Spawn of the CMS World

Let’s start with a little overview of these two...


Al Simmons was a highly trained assassin and was considered the best in the C.I.A. He was promoted to a higher level that dealt with the things that the U.S. government kept secret. When Simmons began to question whether or not they were correct in their intentions, a superior officer hired Simmons’ partner and friend to kill him.  In Hell, Simmons made a deal to sell his soul to a demonic being named Malebolgia in order to see his wife Wanda once again. When he returns to earth it is five years later as some kind of…

Are Keywords Falling to the Way-Side?

16 Sep, 2014 Xynergy Search Engine Optimization - SEO
Are Keywords Falling to the Way-Side?
Keywords are Limiting, but Topics Bring a Broader Perspective

The current Google algorithm highly values the user experience online. The algorithm seeks to provide users with immediate solutions to their present needs and  wants.   Essentially, Google’s “focus is to create the best possible [user] experience online in the most efficient way possible.” –

The algorithm relies upon excellent content – content that is:

Easy to Digest Well-written with a Focus on a Trending or Highly Searched Topic Authored by an Industry Expert Easy to Apply Timely

From such content, the algorithm dishes out the perfect morsel for the hungry searcher to consume; and the best way for searchers to find your consume-worthy…

Responsive Doesn’t Mean Boring

Responsive Doesn’t Mean Boring

If you own a smartphone or a tablet (collectively known as mobile devices) you'll no doubt have been frustrated by websites you visit where you have to zoom in in order to actually be able to use the site and read the content.  And if you own or run a website, you'll no doubt have heard about the technique known as 'responsive theming' or 'responsive design', which is the web industry's unanimous answer to the growing marketshare 'mobile devices' have when it comes to how the world is using the internet.  In short, responsive design allows a website's content to be displayed differently depending on the viewer's…

WordPress is the Batman of the CMS World

9 Sep, 2014 Jennifer Frye Websites & Mobile Apps, WordPress
WordPress is the Batman of the CMS World

There are so many CMS’s (Content Management Systems) out there, so much so that it’s hard to keep track. How do you know which CMS is right for you? How do you select a CMS with the best functionality for your needs? This is the first of a four-part blog series that will help you not only learn the difference between the top CMS’s, but also, remember what sets each one apart – in a fun and memorable way.

Let’s start with a little overview of Batman & Wordpress (WP): Batman

Batman’s story is pretty well known, so I am not going to spend a lot of time explaining it here. What…

It’s All About Strategery When it Comes to Online Marketing

It’s All About Strategery When it Comes to Online Marketing

According to research done by Smart Insights, about half of the companies who employ online marketing tactics don’t actually have a strategy. While this is startling at first read, it’s really not that surprising when you think about it. Online marketing relies heavily on time – the time it takes to think of great content, the time it takes to generate that content, and the time it takes to implement imperative marketing tasks – like scheduling frequent updates on social media platforms and posting blogs regularly.

Really, who has the time to do these things, let alone create a strategy that is easy to execute? Well,…

Online Reputation Management (ORM) | Part Two: Responding to Reviews

According to a recent survey done by research firm, Dimensional Research, “90% of consumers say online reviews impact buying decisions.” So, if you’re operating under the notion that online reviews don’t matter, you’re wrong.


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The digital era in which we live is dictated by a 24/7 world of communication, discovery and opinion – it never stops. This means that your consumers can express their thoughts on your business offerings/products and their in-store experiences, etc. any time (day or night). And when they express their opinions – everyone gets to read them and in turn, forms their own opinions and ideas about who you are. Yikes, right?

It’s true:…

Online Reputation Management (ORM) | Part One ORM, Defined

Just a few years ago, communication on the Internet was one-way. Businesses would communicate with their customers as if holding a megaphone. This top-down communication made the megaphone holder the ultimate authority. Sure, consumers had opinions, but they had no effective means of voicing them for the masses to hear.

Today, Internet communication is much more like a telephone than a megaphone. Businesses have the ability to communicate with their consumers, and boy do consumers have the ability to make their voices heard…by millions. One could argue that it is the consumer who holds more authority than the business/company.

You don’t have to be an…

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